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Friday, April 5, 2013

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tera online europe

Tera Online[Europe]
"it will be free to play on February"

EU site: Click Here <- I'm at EU server ATM
Zuras PvP based (international)"

What is TERA?

A New Breed of MMO

TERA takes the fight beyond whack-a-mole monotony with enhanced aiming, dodging, and tactical timing to create intense and rewarding combat. Unlike other MMOs, you can use your controller or keyboard and mouse to control the action like never before. With all the depth you expect from a traditional MMO, plus the intense gratification of action combat, TERA changes all the rules.

True Action Combat

Experience an Action MMO beyond "point and click" where skill, position, timing, and aim determine success in combat.

Vast Fantasy World

Play seven character races and eight classes. Battle hundreds of monsters throughout 80+ zones and embark on thousands of quests in a game world rich in history and lore.

Epic Monster Battles

Advanced enemy AI and enormous bosses deliver a more intense and engaging combat experience.

Stunning Graphics

Explore a world filled with breathtaking visuals powered by Unreal Engine 3.

Choice of Control

Play with mouse and keyboard or your favorite PC-compatible console controller.

Vibrant Online Community

In a faction-free world, all players can impact the community as well as the social, political, and economic structures of TERA.


For those who click PLAY but nothing happens:

Click on clock -> Time and Date settings -> Internet Time -> Change Settings -> Check Synchronize -> Click Update now.

If it fails to update, choose a different time server, then try until it succeeds. After that, you should be able to play.
Info about launcher issues (Windows XP users)
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If you are using Windows XP and experience launcher issues, please try out the following temporary workaround:

Switch to the installation directory of TERA.
Delete the complete folder {PROGRAMDATA}. (This folder will be re-created if your restart the TERA launcher). - This folder does not exist, if you use a different operation system.
Right click on the tera-launcher.exe -> Properties -> combability Mode -> Win98
Double click and start the Launcher again and it should work.

These steps should only be necessary once. We're still working on a permanent solution for this issue.


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